Tyrese Gibson has grown to become a rather inspiring individual as you’ll see from his quotes.
The multi-talented man is probably best known for his music and most recently his acting career. He has played prominent roles in the hugely popular Fast And The Furious series and the Transformers film series.
The singer, songwriter and actor is also an entrepreneur, a screenwriter, film producer, TV producer and book author. His released his first book in 2012, titled How To Get Out Of Your Own Way, which went on to become a New York Times best seller.
He is pretty active on YouTube and social media and for someone who’s main area of business is not strictly in motivational speaking, Tyrese’s words are incredibly inspirational.
Check out the Tyrese Gibson quotes below that will motivate you to success.
Motivational Tyrese Gibson Quotes
1. “Change your mind and it will change your life.” – Tyrese Gibson
2. “Life is a menu. Whatever you order is what’s delivered to the table.” – Tyrese Gibson
3. “You are the master of your own environment. You’ve got your own head, your own mind. So once you figure out what you want for yourself, you have to create the proper environment to make sure you can live out all the things you want.” – Tyrese Gibson
4. “Get rid of all the things, people and situations that’s stopping you from smiling with your soul.” – Tyrese Gibson
5. “Never give a hater a stage to stand on.” – Tyrese Gibson
6. “You have to surround yourself with people who live, breathe and eat something that you’re trying to do, and then it becomes a motivating thing for them to want to support and get behind what you’re doing – it’s all good then.” – Tyrese Gibson
7. “You will always grow through what you go through.” – Tyrese Gibson
8. “People are in your life for a reason, others are there for a season and it’s important to realize when those seasons are over.” – Tyrese Gibson
9. “If you’re not happy about how you look, you have to question how much self-love you have.” – Tyrese Gibson
10. “Validation is a mans silent killer.” – Tyrese Gibson
11. “People are dream killers. You’ve got to be careful who you give emotional access to.” – Tyrese Gibson
12. “My job and my responsibility at this point is to give hope to the hopeless. To give inspiration to the inspired. To motivate the unmotivated. Because it’s not lonely at the top if you help somebody else get there.” – Tyrese Gibson
13. “Excuses sound best to the person that’s making them up.” – Tyrese Gibson
14. “Faith is climbing invisible stairs, without having all the answers.” – Tyrese Gibson
15. “You are the reason.” – Tyrese Gibson
16. “Never allow anyone to make you feel bad about being so blessed. If God had your life, money, and career and talents in mind for someone else, it wouldn’t be you living and moving the way you do. Do you and be you.” – Tyrese Gibson
17. “For every level, there’s another devil.” – Tyrese Gibson
18. “Get off the pity potty feelings of feeling sorry for yourself and get busy living.” – Tyrese Gibson
19. “Only those that can see the invisible can do the impossible.” – Tyrese Gibson
20. “Take your power back. Stop responding to hater; remember, elephants don’t swat flies.” – Tyrese Gibson
21. “Isolation is an unspoken sickness. Don’t go solo when you’re down so-low.” – Tyrese Gibson
22. “Be bold and walk in the direction of success.” – Tyrese Gibson
23. “Other peoples success represents the possibility of what you can do.” – Tyrese Gibson
24. “Most of you are waking up everyday, looking for pain, disfunction, drama, unemployment; being broke, struggling. Dropping every excuse in the book about your childhood, the problems and dis-function you grew up in, that’s stopping you from becoming successful.” – Tyrese Gibson
25. “The beautiful thing about my intelligence is that it doesn’t really come in one specific department. So even if something hasn’t happened to me, I have information on how to get you through whatever you may be going through.” – Tyrese Gibson
26. “You should never assume that people think of you the way you think of yourself.” – Tyrese Gibson
27. “We have more control of the outcome of our day that we would like to believe we do.” – Tyrese Gibson
28. “You are confined only by the walls you build yourself.” – Tyrese Gibson
29. “God will never give you something somebody else is supposed to have.” – Tyrese Gibson
30. “The dream is free. The hustle is sold separately.” – Tyrese Gibson
31. “It’s not lonely at the top if you help somebody else get there.” – Tyrese Gibson
32. “Stop looking at your stomach when you get out of the shower and complaining about your body, when you are eating everything in sight and never going to the gym. You are the reason you look the way you look. You are the reason you’re unemployed. You are the reason why your surroundings are so dis-functional and negative.” – Tyrese Gibson
33. “When you step on the treadmill, make a commitment. Do, say, 3 miles a day. And don’t get off until you finish. It doesn’t matter what speed you’re going. Just don’t get off.” – Tyrese Gibson
34. “When you’re in shape, you don’t have to walk up to somebody and say, ‘Yo, I love myself.’ You look like you care for yourself.” – Tyrese Gibson
35. “Change your mind and it will change your life. If nothing around you changes, change the things that are around you.” – Tyrese Gibson
36. “Your actions reflect what you want for yourself and how much you love and value yourself. Your actions reflect how you see yourself, what you feel you deserve.” – Tyrese Gibson
37. “Today I begin a new life for I am the master of my abilities and today is going to be a great and beautiful day!” – Tyrese Gibson
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