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43 Inspirational Ryan Serhant Quotes On Success



43 Inspirational Ryan Serhant Quotes On Success

If you’re looking for the best Ryan Serhant quotes then look no further.

Ryan Serhant is an American actor, real estate agent, author, public speaker, television personality and entrepreneur.

Growing up his dream was always to become an actor and he landed his first role as Evan Walsh on the popular soap opera ‘As the World Turns’ in 2007. When his acting career slowed he redirected his efforts to real estate sales after being urged by a friend.

In 2008, during his first year in real estate, he earned just $9,000. Hired at Nest Seekers International, Serhant would go on to become executive vice president and managing director. In 2017, his team closed $838 million in total Manhattan real estate deals.

Ryan Serhant is best known for starring in the reality show Million Dollar Listing New York. I used to love watching it for a while to grow my property ambitions. Ryan was confident, funny and highly motivated. The show gave a great insight into his mindset, lifestyle and work ethic.

In 2017, Serhant produced and launched the Bravo television show Sell It Like Serhant, in which he coaches under-performing salespeople, helping them improve their sales skills.

In 2018, Serhant debuted his first book, Sell It Like Serhant: How to Sell More, Earn More, and Become the Ultimate Sales Machine, which became a best-seller on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Los Angeles Times book lists.

Ryan Serhant’s YouTube channel almost has one million subscribers and is full of great vlogs and success advice. Definitely worth checking out.

Before that though, I hope you enjoy this collection of motivational Ryan Serhant quotes on success.

Motivational Ryan Serhant Quotes

1. “Expansion always, in all ways. – Ryan Serhant

2. “You are the CEO of your own life.” – Ryan Serhant

3. “Every day you have 1,440 minutes. Minutes are your dollars. Invest your time wisely.” – Ryan Serhant

4. “When people think you’re crazy, it’s just because they don’t have the courage to do what you’re doing.” – Ryan Serhant

5. “If you don’t promote yourself, no one else will.” – Ryan Serhant

6. “Don’t live by the year, live by the hour.” – Ryan Serhant

7. “Play the game with a smile on your face.” – Ryan Serhant

8. “Say YES and figure it out later.” – Ryan Serhant

9. “You will be amazed at how you can predict the future with your confidence.” – Ryan Serhant

10. “Say less, do more.” – Ryan Serhant

11. “Think about how fortunate you are to be able to wake up and live.” – Ryan Serhant

12. “Choose success first, no matter what—then back yourself into a career.” – Ryan Serhant

13. “Each day is a mission with a set of tasks.” – Ryan Serhant

14. “If you’re nervous because you need the money, pretend you already have the cheque in your pocket.” – Ryan Serhant

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“You are here for a reason today. There’s something for you to do that no one else is capable of.” – Ryan Serhant

16. “When your instant reaction to everything is no, it’s like you’re unleashing a little monster that eats up all of life’s possibilities.” – Ryan Serhant

17. “Always remember how far you’ve come.” – Ryan Serhant

18. “Choose to wake up happy, no matter what because I guarantee that one day each one of us will be on our deathbeds regretting the things we never tried.” – Ryan Serhant

19. “Don’t take yourself too seriously.” – Ryan Serhant

20. “Luck happens when hard work meets opportunity.” – Ryan Serhant

21. “You have to build up a relationship with your client if you’re going to get them trust you enough to allow yourself to advise them on a purchase, right?” – Ryan Serhant

22. “Wake up, breathe and get to work.” – Ryan Serhant

23. “I always work out in the morning, it keeps me productive through the day.” – Ryan Serhant

24. “A Win is the legacy you leave behind. And your Win doesn’t have to be as big as ‘change the world’—but it needs to be real, it needs to change you, and it needs to be something you really want.” – Ryan Serhant

25. “Use your failures to keep you humble.” – Ryan Serhant

26. “Don’t complain. If you don’t want to do it, someone else will.” – Ryan Serhant

27. “Wake up happy and chase your dreams.” – Ryan Serhant

28. “People tell me all the time, well I’m just not a morning person. You either hate waking up because you go to bed way too late, or because you don’t know the reason you’re getting out of bed.” – Ryan Serhant

29. “Don’t let what scares you keep you up at night. Make it push you to reach an insane level of success instead.” – Ryan Serhant

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“There’s a lot of things that you can’t control but how hard you work isn’t one of them.” – Ryan Serhant

31. “Publicity is your reputation and your reputation is your brand.” – Ryan Serhant

32. “The best deal you’re ever going to do is probably with someone you’ve met already, you just haven’t stayed in touch with them enough.” – Ryan Serhant

33. “If your clients don’t trust you or you don’t have trust in yourself and confidence in what you’re selling then really, what are you doing?” – Ryan Serhant

34. “Surround yourself with people who are better than you.” – Ryan Serhant

35. “You can’t be good at everything, so you have to figure out what you’re good at, and then you have to surround yourself with people who are better than you at everything else. That’s the only way that you’re ever going to grow and expand.” – Ryan Serhant

36. “Complacency is death, progress is happiness.” – Ryan Serhant

37. “It’s revenge, mixed with competition, mixed with hard fucking work, equals success over and over and over and over and I think about that stuff every day.” – Ryan Serhant

38. “If I wake up every single day and say I’m greatest real estate broker ever it might not be true today but it will be true eventually.” – Ryan Serhant

39. “No one wants to buy anything from someone who’s pissed off, right. They want to buy something from someone who’s enthusiastic because that’s what you sell. You sell enthusiasm every day.” – Ryan Serhant

40. “It is your choice to wake up positively or negatively.” – Ryan Serhant

41. “The most important thing you can do as a salesperson is learn how to listen and learn how to act on your feet.” – Ryan Serhant

42. “If you are feeling good and you’re in a zone, don’t stop. Who knows when you’re going to get that zone back, you know, pump it out. If you can stay at the office an extra hour and crank out a little extra work and you feel good about it, do it! Don’t just look at your clock and say “oh, well I mean its 5PM so I should probably go home”. That’s what everybody else does. So when you feel it inside, don’t ignore it. That’s your body telling you, you can go a little bit more.” – Ryan Serhant

43. “It’s really important to start every day making a mind-body connection and I know that sounds like bullshit. It sounds super cliché and it actually makes me throw up a little to say it but it’s super fucking true.” – Ryan Serhant

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