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35 Inspirational Jack Dorsey Quotes



35 Inspirational Jack Dorsey Quotes

Jack Dorsey is a computer programmer, entrepreneur and co-founder and CEO of Twitter. He is a also the founder and CEO of Square, a mobile payments company.

Jack Dorsey is one of the college dropouts that went on to become a billionaire, dropping out of New York University just one semester short of graduation. His net worth is an estimated $4.8 billion according to Forbes.

But its important to realise that Dorsey went on to become successful with Twitter because he had been working on ideas that would ultimately contribute to it since the age of 14. In his own words “Success is never accidental.”

Below are 35 of the most inspirational Jack Dorsey quotes for entrepreneurs.

35 Jack Dorsey Quotes

1. “Success is never accidental.” – Jack Dorsey

2. “Make every detail perfect, and limit the number of details to perfect.” – Jack Dorsey

3. “It’s empowering to be asked to look at what’s possible, not told how to do it.” – Jack Dorsey

4. “Everyone has an idea. But it’s really about executing the idea and attracting other people to help you work on the idea.” – Jack Dorsey

5. “Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected.” – Jack Dorsey

6. “An idea that can change the course of the company can come from anywhere.” – Jack Dorsey

7. “You are not here to do what has already been done.” – Jack Dorsey

8. “The greatest lesson that I learned in all of this is that you have to start. Start now, start here, start small and keep it simple.” – Jack Dorsey

9. “You don’t have to start from scratch to do something interesting. You don’t have to start from scratch to have a massive impact on the world. You have to have a good idea. You have to convince other people of those good ideas. And you have to push as quickly as possible.” – Jack Dorsey

10. “The strongest thing you can cultivate as an entrepreneur is to not rely on luck but cultivating an ability to recognize fortunate situations when they are occurring.” – Jack Dorsey

11. “You can worry about the competition or you can focus on what’s ahead of you and drive fast.” – Jack Dorsey

12. “Question every little thing.” – Jack Dorsey

13. “Build what you want to see in this world.” – Jack Dorsey

14. “Short term satisfaction will never lead to something timeless.” – Jack Dorsey

15. “The idea of Twitter started with me working in dispatch since I was 15 years old, where taxi cabs or firetrucks would broadcast where they were and what they were doing.” – Jack Dorsey

16. “I am someone who tweets about what I have for breakfast, what I have for lunch, what I have for dinner, and for 99.99999 percent of the world, it’s useless. It’s meaningless. But for my mother, she loves it.” – Jack Dorsey

17. “I’ve always been fascinated by cities and how they work. And I taught myself how to program so I can understand how the city works.” – Jack Dorsey

Jack Dorsey Quote: Everyone has an idea...18. “A founder is not a job, it’s a role, an attitude. And it’s something that can happen again and again and again, and in fact it has to happen again and again and again, otherwise we would not move forward.” – Jack Dorsey

19. “Don’t take anyone for granted.” – Jack Dorsey

20. “When you have a stable ground to walk on, you understand how you’re moving, and how you’re growing, and how you’re building off it.” – Jack Dorsey

21. “All my days are themed. Monday is management…Tuesday is product, engineering, and design. Wednesday is marketing, growth, and communications. Thursday is partnership and developers. Friday is company and culture…Sundays are for strategy…Saturday is a day off.” – Jack Dorsey

22. “Everything we do is about getting people to be more open, more creative, more courageous.” – Jack Dorsey

23. “You don’t have to start from scratch to have a massive impact on the world.” – Jack Dorsey

24. “Twitter was not started because we started a company. Twitter was started because we had a good idea, and it started out of a failed company. That can happen out of any company today.” – Jack Dorsey

25. “When you simplify…When you get down to the essence, you fix so many things.” – Jack Dorsey

26. “For any Silicon Valley company, the most important thing is the company. And any great founders need to get out of the way of the company. We presented a spark with an idea.” – Jack Dorsey

27. “Fail openly.” – Jack Dorsey

28. “I love making something complex. I love taking everything away, taking all the debris, the conceptual debris from a technology away so that you can just focus on what’s most important.” – Jack Dorsey

29. “The more we share what’s happening around us, the more we understand how someone lives their life. The greater the understanding we have, the more empathy we have for each other. By and large, that reduces conflicts.” – Jack Dorsey

30. “If the merit of the idea is strong, it spreads really quickly no matter who you are or where you are from.” – Jack Dorsey

31. “Our job as founders, as entrepreneurs is to distribute the future that’s already here.” – Jack Dorsey

32. “Disruption is like an earthquake. Disruption has no purpose. It has not values. It has no organizing principle. It has no direction and it has no leadership… This is not what we want to bring into the world. What we want to bring into the world is revolution.
Revolution has values, revolution has purpose. Revolution has direction. Revolution has leaders. Revolution looks at the intersection ahead and pushes people to do the right thing. And it doesn’t always have to be loud. It doesn’t always have to be violent. It’s just as powerful in it’s stillness.” – Jack Dorsey

33. “Pick a movement. Pick something you believe in. Pick something you want to have an impact in and then question every single thing and be a founder, and be an entrepreneur inside those organizations and inside that movement.” – Jack Dorsey

34. “Know when to stop.” – Jack Dorsey

35. “As CEO, my main job is editor-in-chief.” – Jack Dorsey

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