57 Trent Shelton Quotes That Will Lift You Up
7 years agoon

Trent Shelton is a former NFL wide receiver and is today considered as one of the most impactful motivational speakers of his generation.
Trent travels the world sharing his message of creating lasting change and through his various social media channels reaches over 50 million people a week.
What I like about Trent Shelton, his message and his quotes below is that he just tells it how it is. It’s the truth! And when he talks about self-worth, relationships and success sometimes the truth hurts but its exactly what you need to hear.
After reading some of the Trent Shelton quotes below myself they challenged me, they made me question some of the things I was doing and it made me get real with myself…Most of all they inspired me to want better for myself and helped me raise my self-esteem. I hope these quotes have the same effect on you. Enjoy!
57 Inspirational Trent Shelton Quotes
1. “You might be thinking, “I’m not perfect, I’ve made mistakes, I mess up constantly, and I seem to be going the wrong way.” Remember, it’s the “layers” in life that create the perfection. Don’t view your life as “mistakes” view them as Da Vinci’s layers, and God is using your mistakes to help create a masterpiece with you.” – Trent Shelton
2. “Never be ashamed about being broken, because strength is nothing but pain that’s been repaired.” – Trent Shelton
3. “Stop trying to change someone who does not want to change. Stop giving chances to someone who abuses your forgiveness. Stop walking back to the place where your heart ran from. Stop trusting their words and ignoring their actions. Stop breaking your own heart.” – Trent Shelton
4. “You accepted less because you thought a little was better than nothing. Know your worth.” – Trent Shelton
5. “You’ll never live up to the standards of what “everyone” wants you to be, so why fight a battle you can never win. Instead focus on being MORE of who you’re meant to be and focus less on what THEY think you should be. You might not see your own beauty but if you continue to conceal and hide who you are, the heart that’s for you won’t be able to find it either.” – Trent Shelton
6. “Words lie; actions can lie too. Consistency speaks the truth.” – Trent Shelton
7. “Sometimes you just have to turn the page to realize there’s more to your book of life than the page you’re stuck on. Stop being afraid to move on. Close this chapter of hurt, and never re-read it. It’s time to get what your life deserves, and move on from the things that don’t deserve you. Don’t try to fix what’s been broken in your past, let your future create something better.” – Trent Shelton
8. “Don’t let anyone drain you of your happiness today. Be drama free. Rise above the petty stuff.” – Trent Shelton
9. “You can’t be everything to everybody, but you can be everything to somebody. Don’t lose the ones you love trying to please the world.” – Trent Shelton
10. “Magazines don’t exist to make you feel good about yourself. They exist to keep you insecure so you’ll buy their magazines looking for answers.” – Trent Shelton
11. “As you change so does your definition of fun. You’re not lame, you’re growing up.” – Trent Shelton
12. “People are so quick to comment on somebody else’s life like they ain’t got no business of their own to mind…” – Trent Shelton
13. “You deserve honesty. You deserve transparency. You deserve someone who respects you enough to never lie to your heart. You deserve appreciation. You deserve loyalty. You deserve someone who would still be there for you even when everyone else has walked away. You deserve happiness. You deserve security. You deserve something that’s REAL. Never settle for less.” – Trent Shelton
14. “Speak on what you know, not on what you assume. Only a FOOL speaks out of ignorance, not intelligence.” – Trent Shelton
15. “Don’t let people tell you what’s wrong with your life, when they have nothing right about theirs. They expect you to fail, because they didn’t succeed. They expect you to quit, because they have a life full of incomplete dreams. They want you to lose faith, because they’ve lost hope. The impossibilities they placed on their life have nothing to do with you. The lack of faith that they put in their heart has nothing to do with you. Don’t let their small mindset shrink your BIG VISION.” – Trent Shelton
16. “You can’t expect people to respect you when you don’t respect yourself. Know your worth and demand your respect.” – Trent Shelton
17. “If the truth offends you; it only means one thing; you’re living a lie.” – Trent Shelton
18. “Not everyone is committed to fighting the battle with you.Choose your army wisely.” – Trent Shelton
19. “Too many people want change without having to make changes. In order to move up, there’s some things you must be willing to give up.” – Trent Shelton
20. “They want you to do better as long as you don’t do better than them. Don’t be surprised if your success turns friends into strangers. Everybody loves you until you become competition.” – Trent Shelton
21. “What they couldn’t do has nothing to do with what you can. Never let people plant their impossibilities on your life. Just because they failed doesn’t mean you can’t be successful, it’s always possible.” – Trent Shelton
22. “Sometimes it’s not what you expect, and it’s not what you want, but it’s exactly what you need.” – Trent Shelton
23. “You can’t always control what someone gives you, but you’re always in control of what you accept.” – Trent Shelton
24. “Perfection is not being flawless, perfection is embracing those flaws so that the heart that’s meant to love you can see the real you perfectly.” – Trent Shelton
25. “Don’t Let People Plant Impossibilities In Your Life.” – Trent Shelton
26. “You’ll always believe that you’re broken if you always let opinions tell you what needs to be fixed.” – Trent Shelton
27. “We are all a little broken. But last time I checked, broken crayons still color the same.” – Trent Shelton
28. “There’s Something Wrong With Your Character If Opportunity Controls Your Loyalty.” – Trent Shelton
29. “Never waste an opportunity to express your love to someone, because another opportunity is something life can’t promise.” – Trent Shelton
30. “The only person that has power to put boundaries on your dreams is you.” – Trent Shelton
31. “The right decisions are always the hardest to make it. But they must be made in order to live the life you deserve.” – Trent Shelton
32. “You’ll never be able to grow if you’re afraid to lose people during the process. Sometimes past relationships don’t belong in new seasons. In order to move up there’s some things you must be willing to give up.” – Trent Shelton
33. “Sometimes the disappointment can build an unbreakable strength. There’s a blessing in every setback.” – Trent Shelton
34. “At the end of the day all that matters is love and memories so make sure you give it and make sure you make them.” – Trent Shelton
35. “Some things are meant to happen, just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come into your life, just not meant to stay.” – Trent Shelton
36. “Jealousy: When your life reminds them of what they don’t have.” – Trent Shelton
37. “Don’t let yesterday’s pain kill today’s strength. Never be afraid to turn the page and start a new chapter. Free yourself.” – Trent Shelton
38. “Your path may not be easy. You might have to climb more peaks, you may endure more storms, but never forget your life has purpose.” – Trent Shelton
39. “Life isn’t always about searching so you can find, but at times it’s about being still so that you can receive.” – Trent Shelton
40. “You are worth more than what you try and convince them you’re worth.” – Trent Shelton
41. “Peace is something you’ll never experience if you keep letting things you can’t control, control you. Let it go.” – Trent Shelton
42. “You are too strong to live life hurt. You are too beautiful to let someones ugly ways to make you insecure with yourself.” – Trent Shelton
43. “What you accept is what you deserve. Don’t complain about the things you continuously allow to take place.” – Trent Shelton
44. “Bad chapters can still create a story that ends well. Let your past be part of your story, not your identity.” – Trent Shelton
45. “Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own.” – Trent Shelton
46. “When God doesn’t give you what you want. It’s not because you don’t deserve it, it’s because you deserve so much more.” – Trent Shelton
47. “You better stop living like tomorrow is promised. Life has no guarantees, so stop counting on “next time.”” – Trent Shelton
48. “If you’re afraid of struggle, then you’re afraid of growth. You have to go through it to get to it.” – Trent Shelton
49. “Somebody didn’t wake up today, but you did. That’s a reason to stop complaining, and that’s enough to be thankful for. Never let your troubles blind you to your daily blessings.” – Trent Shelton
50. “If you’re allowing it then don’t complain about it. You deserve exactly what you settle for.” – Trent Shelton
51. “Stop settling for standby when your heart deserves to be treated first class.” – Trent Shelton
52. “Strength isn’t always shown by what you can hold on to but sometimes it’s shown in what you can let go of.” – Trent Shelton
53. “Real situations always expose fake people. Pay attention.” – Trent Shelton
54. “Faith is having the ability to smile when everything looks hopeless because, deep down, you know it’s not.” – Trent Shelton
55. “Just because they can’t see your value, doesn’t mean you aren’t valuable. Some people are just blind to true beauty. You’re beautiful.” – Trent Shelton
56. “Your attitude can take you forward or your attitude can take you down. The choice is always yours.” – Trent Shelton
57. “Never be afraid to be yourself. It’s one of the most powerful gifts you have. Change the world, don’t let the world change you. Stay Authentic.” – Trent Shelton
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