Some say that “knowledge is power” but sometimes being an expert can have a dark side — It could be sabotaging your success. If you’re struggling...
Looking for the best collection of Brené Brown quotes? Then look no further. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston. She has...
Unlike a lot of tips and strategies to boost your self-esteem, the self-esteem boosters you’ll find here are specific actions you can add to your day...
I am enough. Repeat that to yourself. Are you enough? Do you believe it? To be honest I never did imagine that studying and talking about...
Dr. Maxwell Maltz is the author of one of my favourite personal development books of all time, Psycho Cybernetics. It is one of the few books I...
The importance of self-love is something that has been repeated enough times to be cliché but how do you actually love yourself?
I wanted to write something that would make you remember how amazing you are so let me tell you about the 1 reason why you will...